Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Ginger you Inspire Me!

Thank you Ginger for your Blogspot. Jan shared it with me today. I am so glad. I have sat here at my computer and cried a good deep cry, you know the kind with stuff running out everywhere! I loved the music to your Dad's birthday blog. You helped me remember how thankful I am to still have my mom and how much I miss my dad. Your Dad is very special and always has a cheerful outlook on life. I know that comes from his deep faith and his constant walk with our Lord. Again, you have given me a wonderful start to my day and inspired me to consider leaving this legacy to my family, though I would not be able to speak as eloquently as you. I miss you and hope to see you during Christmas. I know your time is limited when you visit in Clayton, but I do hope that our paths cross.